What happens when nothing "matters"?

What happens when nothing "matters"?

There is a certain weight, a certain gravitas, a certain flavor to making decisions based on what is important to your Primal Character. It’s because you think it’s you. You have self-identified with your Primal Character. You are either making decisions which bring in good things or you are making decisions that keep bad things away. Making decisions that “matter” to you is a very different thing than making decisions because of a “simple” preference.

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Your head doesn't actually explode

Your head doesn't actually explode

From a Dojo POV, there is no reason why you can’t switch from one experiential state to another, at your choice. There is nothing hard-wired into human that says you have to stay where you are, experientially, until it’s done with you.

Sure, it might take some training, but it’s a doable thing.

It doesn’t matter where you’re at in the moment, you can choose to step off those experiential tracks and step onto another set.

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Sexual Polarity

Sexual Polarity

You look across the room and your eyes light on a particular type.

The particularness of “this type” is not only that it has the “attractive” flavor.

It also has the flavor of, “there is a possibility of a give and take power dynamic that can have us get to a special type of experience”.

There is also something about, “This is not guaranteed. It depends on how well we dance together.”

“Sexual polarity” is not simply “turn on”.

“Sexual polarity” is not simply, “this is attractive”.

“Sexual polarity” is not simply, “call and response”.

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One Dojo Gym exercise

One Dojo Gym exercise

So let’s set up an exercise where you get to trigger the pattern, feel the pattern wanting to do it’s thing and you do the thing that it’s so not wanting to have happen. You get to demonstrate to your selves that now is not then. Patterns tend towards “believing” that now is then, that the trigger that is happening now is happening in the same environment when the pattern was laid down.

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Acting As-If

Acting As-If

If you are trying to explore a part of the human experience that you were taught to put away a long time ago, you are not going to know how to do it.

It is not going to feel natural.

The vocabulary is not going to spring into your consciousness fully-formed.

The skill sets are not going to magical appear, fully formed and operational.

It’s really, really, really going to help is you act “as-if”.

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